Letter to Chica

This is Chica.

Dear Chica,

I am writing this letter to you because you are my best friend and you deserve a letter. You have been my best friend since 2018, that's almost 2 years ago. I remember looking at you and knowing that I needed to take you home. It was love at first sight. We istantly bonded. I quickly picked up on your little habits like you rubbing your belly on the carpet and your love for us. When you see us, you give us those BIG puppy eyes of LOVE. Those eyes can mean, "I will protect you with my life." Believe me, I have those same eyes too. Must give you all my love and must protect.

If you could talk, I would tell you everything. I would tell you all the tea! LoL! No, I would tell you how much you have changed my life. (My eyes are watering up at SLAC since I am at work.) Ever since we got you, you have changed my ways of thinking when it comes to animal adoptions. You made me realized the importance of animal adoption and animal shelters. I have dedicated many projects and class assignments about animal adoptions and of YOU. You have changed my way of what I want to do after I graduate from Texas State. I want to do something with animal shelters. I want to stress the importance of it. I want to do this while using my skills of social media, videography, photography and many more. I don't know how I am going to get there, but all I know is that's what I want to do. I would like to Thank You because you inspired, sparked a light inside me. Thank you!

Chica, I cant wait for you to come down to San Marcos because we are going to have so much fun. My friends are very excited to meet you, especially Kaitlin. She wants to keep you! I know you are going to love it here. Plus it's going to be my last year at Texas State. Got to make the most of it! Can't wait for our cuddles even though you hate cuddles :(. I still love you reguardless. I can't wait to see you and can't wait to give you all my love!

I love you and thank you for changing my life!


Liliana J. Rodriguez. 03/09/2020

This is Chica.