Letter to Pancho

This is Jocelyn and Pancho.

Dear Pancho,

I am writing this letter to you because I just wanted to let you know that I been having the best 6 years with you so far. Since the first time we got you when you were a baby, I immediately feel in love with you. You have been with me since I was in third grade.

I hope you are still with me till I finish high school, and I know you get mad at me when I mess with you, but I will always still love you Pancho, and I love you either way, and when you bark at me, I already know you want me to take you out for a walk.

Pancho, I hope you live for a long time, and for more years to come with you. You will always be apart of the family, and we all love you in our family, Pancho.


Jocelyn A. Guardado. 03/07/2020.