Why Writing a Letter is Important?

Posted by Liliana J. Rodriguez on March 30th, 2020

HOU- The importance of writing a letter is very high because people aren't writing them anymore. The number is letters yearly is decreasing slowly.

Handwritten letters started way back than like BC times. The first handwritten letter started in 500 BC by Persian Queen Atossa. That's how long handwritten letters have been around. People aren't writing letters anymore because they have other methods of writing thing to other people like emails, social media and greeting cards. As seen in the graph below, handwritten letters are drastically dropping throughout the years. The issue with greeting card is most of them aren't written from the heart like letters. Letters show that people took time out of their day to write to a person. Greeting cards are just cards with a holiday designs and don't have many words written in them. Greeting cards are like the short end of a letter.

“Letter writing can be seen as a gift because someone has taken his/her time to write and think and express love.” ― Soraya Diase Coffelt

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Writing a letter gives a lot of meaning to the person. It shows someone cares for them and is doing something to stay connected with the person. Imagine the excitement in people's eyes when they receive a letter. The joy of reading and writing a letter back. A lot of thought and effort goes into writing a letter and people love the effort. The dedication of the craft of a letter gives people that warming feeling of love. I can go on and on why letters are important to write.

We need to keep the legacy of writing a letter going because it's a thing that we need to cherish. I've seen people looking back at old letters and showing them to family or their kids find these letters. Letters especially the ones that are from old times show how things were back then. Sharing the memories to family.

I remember when one of my friends went to bootcamp because he wanted to join the Military. I would send him a letter and he would send a letter back. He would to secretly write letters to everyone because in bootcamp they weren't allowed to write letters. As I said in the beginning, people who write letters dedicate their time to craft something meaningful even if they have to risk getting in trouble.

This is the letter my friend from bootcamp sent me.

Letters are a special thing that can't disappear now, we need letter writing now more than ever.