Letter to Elric

This is Elric.

Dear Elric,

The day I adopted you was one of the best days of my life. When I picked you up for the first time you were so small I could hold you and Loki in one hand, haha. And when you fell asleep in my arms not even five minutes after holding you, I knew I had to adopt you. Dad had said we were only gonna get one cat, but when Alyssa found Loki and I found you, I looked at him, saw his face and knew he wouldn't be able to say no to either of us. It was a very good day :)

The fact that you immediately trusted me so much so that you could fall asleep in my arms, and then, later that same day, sleep on my bed all cuddled up close to my face reassured me that I had made the right choice and that I was gonna love you and take care of you for the rest of your life. Although there are times when you drive me up a wall, I can't imagine my life without you in it. When I was going through some really hard times, I always managed to get out of bed to take care of you, and that eventually led me to get help and get better, so I owe a lot to you for where I ended up today. If I could have a day to talk to you where you would understand me, I'd make sure you know how much I love you buddy. And I would also tell you to stop yelling at me for food three hours early because I swear I'm gonna feed you, you just keep asking so early dude, haha. I love you so much buddy, and I will always consider you my child. Even though you're a cat.

With lots of love,

Your mom, Rebecca <3 04/08/2020